Our Mission

To provide decent, safe, sanitary and affordable housing to farmworkers in the Southeast.

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In 2020, SENPH was awarded funding from the US Department of Labor for the NFJP Housing program.

The purpose of our On-Farm Housing Program is to improve the living and housing conditions of farmworkers in Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia.

SENPH may be able to provide a dollar-for-dollar matching grant (up to $10,000) for eligible upgrades and repairs to farm labor housing.

We’ve already provided __ grants — and would love to work with you to address your housing needs.


How to Apply


Step 1

Before work begins on your project, contact us and we’ll reach out to discuss your needs.

Step 2

Obtain written and itemized quotes for the work to be done.

Step 3

Our Housing Specialist will schedule an onsite visit and inspection. The Housing Specialist will determine eligibility and walk you through everything!

Step 4

Once the proposal and contract is signed and returned to you, you may begin work.


Step 5

Call your Housing Specialist once the work is completed.

Step 6

The Housing Specialist will schedule one more onsite visit and inspection to collect itemized receipts.

Step 7

Housing owner is reimbursed with the eligible grant for work completed.


Frequently Asked Questions

What information is needed for the Grant program?

We'll need a scope of work completed for the project. We'll also need the number of farmworkers who live in the unit(s) with projects and demonstrate the demand of farm labor.

How long does the process take?

You'll need a written scope of work. Our Housing Specialists can help develop this with you. Once you have the scope of work and an estimate of the costs, the turnaround time for a completed application and Grant Agreement can be just a few days.

Is there a deadline to apply for the On-Farm Housing Grant Program?

No, but the funding is on a first come first served basis. Apply early!

Is there a deadline to have the work completed for a housing project?

Yes. The deadline for reimbursement is June 30th.

Can a non-profit apply for funding?

Yes, if they own housing where a farmworker lives.

Is there a minimum for the On-Farm Housing program?


Is there a maximum grant amount for the On-Farm Housing Program?

Yes, $10,000 is the maximum amount.